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Hilton Head Island Bicycling

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Hilton Head Island Bicycling

If you are a bike lover, Hilton Head Island is the best place that you can enjoy cycling in an exquisite natural surroundings. The American League of Bicyclists have rated Hilton Head Island as a Gold Level Bicycle Friendly Community.

The over 60 miles of multi-purpose trails that connect you to all different destinations – beaches included –  make it the ideal place to go for a spin. If your preferred riding experience is in a group, Hilton Head Island has different local biking clubs that organize weekly rides for various bikers regardless of their experience level.

There are more than 30 bicycle renting shops that have close to 15,000 bicycles available for rent. This, without the additional bicycles that Hilton Head Island visitors come with when on vacation which speaks to the magnitude of biking activities on the island.

Hilton Head Island  Bicycling Lanes and Facts

Hilton Head Island sits on a 12-mile long and five-mile-wide island that has various cycling lanes in it. These include:

  • 6 miles of bike trails
  • 117 miles of shared-use pathways
  • 108 miles of paved pathways that are shared
  • 14 miles of planned pathways
  • 1 mile of single track
  • 24 percent of the arterial streets have paved shoulders or bike lanes

Hilton Head Island History of Biking and Eco-tourism

The Island is a pioneer in the green movement and has a narrative of environmental leadership. Since the early 1970’s – when development first started –  the island has been known to construct multi-use pathways that continue to date.

The pathways in Hilton Head Island sit on more than 100 miles with the number increasing evet year. Besides, the number isn’t inclusive of the 22 miles of hard packed beach access that’s reachable by bicycles from different access points found along the pathway maze.

Every year, there are about 2,000,000 visitors that choose Hilton Head Island as their vacation destination due to its natural beauty, access to beaches, availability of shopping, dining, and recreational facilities. Bicycling has been gaining popularity over the years and adds to the mix since it’s a convenient and attractive way that both residents and visitors can use to traverse the Island.

Hilton Head Island Bicycling Safety of the Pathway System

While pathways have been part of Hilton Head Island’s DNA for close to 40 years and their continuous growth, the eco-friendly features of the island were a well-kept secret but with the advent of recreational biking, these features are now more in the open with filled bikers on the pathways.

The main challenge lies in encouraging people to practice safe cycling and proper use of the shared roads. Whenever there are cycling or running events, the County Sheriff’s office makes public service announcements through local media to caution motorists as well as participants.

Historic Bike Tour

If you want to discover the hidden treasures that Hilton head Plantation has, be sure to take the one-and-a-half-hour bike tour that’s organized by the Heritage Library Foundation.

The tour helps you learn about the history of The Civil War, Native Americans, the Gullah Community, farming and fishing among others. The tour is meant to showcase the unique and rich history of the island. Join the historic bike tour with your own bicycle or rent one just ensure you have a helmet on.

For more information, call Charles Sampson Group of Charter One Realty: 843-384-7300

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